Halloween Security for Your Home - Montreal

Spooky Halloween decorations are popping up in shops and lawns as the fall air gets fresher and the days get shorter. However, some people take the "tricks" of "trick or treat" a little too seriously. Most Halloween fans fall into harmless pitfalls around this time of year. Unfortunately, this season also sees an increase in vandalism and unrealistic jokes about homeowners. This post will give you some valuable tips for bringing Halloween safety into your home.

First, it focuses on reducing the risk of becoming a victim of malicious pranks and vandalism. From there, we'll explore some of Home's security gadgets to bolster your Halloween security measures. Following that, we'll give you some ideas on how to keep your garden visible in the event of a sneaky vandal or crook breaking in. Finally, we'll also look at some general tips for increasing your awareness of suspicious activity. Let's see how to proactively deal with potential Halloween pranks.

Act proactively to prevent mischief

By taking some simple steps, you can prevent pranks by making your home a less attractive target. For example, on Halloween, park your car in the garage instead of on the driveway or street if possible. With so many people walking around your neighborhood on Halloween, it will be easier than usual for someone to key in your car without them noticing.When you go to bed, remove any heavy or potentially harmful decorations. increase. Pumpkins are a particularly popular item to smash or throw through windows. Also, consider removing decorations that troublemakers want to destroy, or at least keep them near your home.Although some Halloween-related pranks do more damage than others. , Halloween is maximized safety by making it as difficult as possible for others to bully your home.

Install Gear That Adds Halloween Safety

We have many security solutions to help you during this time of mischief. In this section, we'll start by adding devices that make the entrance to your home more secure. From there, we'll take a look at some options for adding outdoor security cameras.The presence of this technology can help make sure you stop scammers from attacking your home. If it happens, you can use the recorded video to piece together what happened and when. Start by adding a doorbell camera to monitor the most vulnerable areas of your home.

Exterior Home Surveillance Cameras

As mentioned at the beginning of this section, installing home security cameras acts as a deterrent to pranksters and criminals. Many customers install outdoor cameras to monitor driveways, entrances, sheds, garages, and other areas of interest. Many customers have installed ''Alarm'' smart his cameras in their homes. This allows you to set the same type of alerts that the ''Alarm'' Doorbell Camera offers. It is also relatively inexpensive compared to security camera systems.

Canordi offers a wide range of surveillance cameras and DVRs for each individual application. Professional installation and knowledgeable staff are key to ensuring that every customer is completely satisfied with their purchase.Now it's time to keep your home looking bright and be careful not to invite troublemakers this Halloween.

Doorbell Cameras

Doorbell cameras have become very popular in recent years. Our favorite doorbell camera comes with customizable security settings to make your door more secure. If you have a security system monitored by an Alarm.com cellular dialer, you can easily add a doorbell that works with your alarm. The Alarm.com app allows users to remotely monitor and disarm security systems using smartphones and tablets. Adding the ''Alarm'' doorbell camera also provides video notifications when someone rings the doorbell. At this point, you can start a conversation with your visitor. This is especially useful if your doorbell rings when you're not expecting a visitor, or if it rings later than usual on Halloween night and you want to see the late trick-or-treating before you open the door.

What's more, Doorbell Camera allows you to view them remotely at any time. When the doorbell's camera detects motion, it can record a video and save it for later viewing. Additionally, you can create alerts that notify you immediately when these cameras detect motion. The ability to track activity around the door makes it a very popular way for homeowners to add safety for Halloween.

Keep your home and garden visible even if you're celebrating Halloween elsewhere

An apparently empty home is an easy target for burglaries. The same concept applies to Halloween night. Many homeowners leave the lights on to mark a good trick-or-treating stop. Conversely, turning off the lights serves as a signal to the family that the house is empty.

While it may result in trick-or-treating families banging on the doorbell, brightly lit exterior homes make it less obvious that your home is empty on Halloween, making it a target for jokes, vandalism, and robbery. It becomes difficult to become. . Also, if you turn on the outside lights, passers-by can see the door and the garden. At night, when a dark house is the telltale sign of an empty house, an unlit house can turn into easy-to-get fruit for troublemakers. is a good idea to take steps to keep the entire yard visible.So let's take a look at another safety tip for the Halloween season.

Stay alert in the days and weeks after Halloween

Halloween offers both friendly and not-so-friendly characters the chance to roam the neighborhood.The thieves have the chance to blend in with the neighborhood and later investigate multiple homes for possible crimes. Teens brave enough to break into homes may even see television or other objects of interest while trick-or-treating with friends or younger siblings.Suspicious activities during and immediately after Halloween Please be careful. Also, keep in mind that installing some of the aforementioned safety gear will help you keep an eye on your home in the days after Halloween.

Making a Perfect Plan to Improve Halloween Safety

We hope this post helps you make Halloween safer at home. If you have any questions about anything in this post, please contact us at (844) 282-2606. We offer free site surveys to both new and existing customers. Address security concerns in the field. Plus, you can add your own security insights to enhance your security this time of year and throughout the year. We ask for the cooperation of everyone in the family so that everyone in the family can use it with peace of mind.